Eliot Hodgkin provided a brief description of his interest in still life painting in 1957, in response to an enquiry from the editors of The Studio: "In so far as I have any conscious purpose, it is to show the beauty of natural objects which are normally thought uninteresting or even unattractive: such things as Brussels sprouts, turnips, onions, pebbles and flints, bulbs, dead leaves, bleached vertebrae, an old boot cast up by the tide. People sometimes tell me that they had never really ‘seen’ something before I painted it, and I should like to believe this… For myself, if I must put it into words, I try to look at quite simple things as though I were seeing them for the first time and as though no one had ever painted them before."
In a letter written to Sir Brinsley Ford, Hodgkin wrote: "I like to show the beauty of things that no one looks at twice." Материал из Википедии.
По-моему, ему удалось. Нелюбителю натюрмортов вроде меня очень нравятся его повседневные, не парадные вещицы.
К сожалению, все иллюстрации к статье куда-то пропали, а ведь я помню, что нашла их впервые именно там. :/ Поэтому закидываю сюда то, что смогла вытащить из гугла.
Eliot Hodgkin
| суббота, 25 мая 2013